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The 4 False Beliefs That Are Tripping Up Your Mindset

mindset Feb 24, 2024
woman tripping over carpet

Right before the last drive in the Super Bowl this year, Patrick Mahomes (quarterback for the Chiefs) went up and down the sideline saying to everyone, “Mindset, mindset, mindset.”

That guy has it right—mindset is EVERYTHING.

I say that all the time, but this week, I want to make it more concrete for you. I want to talk about the 4 false beliefs that I GUARANTEE are tripping up your mindset.

➡ FALSE BELIEF #1: I’m not good enough.

This one thought is the root cause of all our inner problems in life. Virtually everyone I coach believes this on some level, whether they realize it or not…

And the reason they believe it is because they don’t know who they really are.

We spend our whole lives crafting identities based on all kinds of things—what we do, what we have, what we like and don’t like, etc.

But that’s just our ego—not who we really are. 

We are the awareness of all those things. At our core, we are pure consciousness. Our true essence is perfection, infinite possibility, and connection.

The rest is just appearances and preferences. Those things can change. Who you are—that pure consciousness—never changes.

But we lose sight of who we really are when fear takes over. That’s when we start thinking we need to be X or do Y or have Z to be “good enough.”

Let me be clear: there’s NOTHING we can ever achieve to convince ourselves we’re good enough.

You can get everything you think you need, and you will STILL not feel good enough.

Until you understand that you are perfection, infinite possibility, and connection, you’ll NEVER feel good enough. 

This is THE WORK right here: understanding who you are so you can embrace the idea that you’re more than good enough. 

Unless you do this work, nothing else makes a difference.

I see it all the time in my coaching practice: people self-sabotaging because they think they’re not good enough.

Make no mistake, this ripples out to every aspect of our lives.

But no one wants to look at it because we’ve been so conditioned to be humble. The idea that we are perfect feels arrogant and egotistical. We’re more comfortable being judgmental and getting down on ourselves.

➡ FALSE BELIEF #2: Life is personal.

Life is not happening to you. Life is simply happening.

The moment that’s in front of you right now has nothing to do with you. It’s the result of natural forces interacting for billions of years.

You’re going to want to argue with that. 

You’re going to think, “But I made decisions and took actions that put me here. What I do has an influence on other people.” 

Sure. But your choices are just ONE among countless factors in the past and present that created the moment you’re experiencing now—the place, the people, the objects, the weather, everything.

YOU did not create this moment. It’s not ABOUT you.

Why should this moment be about you when the trillions of other moments happening simultaneously have nothing to do with you?

Said another way…if you leave planet earth today, what changes? Sure, a few people are gonna be sad for a while, but life simply goes on. The same buyers are gonna buy and sellers are gonna sell whether you’re here or not. 

If what you do matters so much, how can an agent sell $100M one year and $0 the next, doing the exact same thing? I see this all the time.

You don’t control what happens in life—you only control how you experience and respond to it.

Sometimes life does line up the way we want it, but if we’re being honest, that’s rare.

If I asked you to write down everything you want in life, I bet you could write pages. What does that tell you about your ability to make what you want happen?

The truth is, life is like surfing. 

We don’t get to shape the waves. They will be what they will be. All we can do is learn how to surf and get really great at riding them.

But I’ve you’re focused on trying to change the waves, you’re not learning how to surf.

➡ FALSE BELIEF #3: We shape our own destiny

You’re gonna hate me for saying this…

But the notion that the mind can achieve whatever it can conceive is FALSE.

It doesn’t mean there’s no point in thinking about your goals. 

It means your results are never guaranteed, no matter what you do.

Think about it this way…I played football for Don Shula, the winningest coach in NFL history. Every single year, his goal was to win the Super Bowl. 

In 35 years, he did it TWICE.

It wasn’t that he didn’t know how to win football games. Like I said, he won more than any other coach. But A LOT of important factors were outside his control—the weather, injuries, the coin toss, the crowd, the other team, and on and on.

Those things affected his results, and there was NOTHING he could do about it.

The highest achievers understand this.

They know they don’t control the outcome, so they don’t focus on it. 

Instead, they focus on the process—doing the work to put themselves in the best position to win. So when all the things they don’t control finally DO line up in their favor, they are READY to take advantage of it.

➡ FALSE BELIEF #4: More is the answer.

I doubt there is a single agent who doesn’t wake up every day thinking, “I need to do more.”

More isn’t necessarily bad—it just depends how you get there.

You can get there by focusing on your process, doing what really works long-term (ahem, the 6 Building Blocks), and letting go of the outcome…

Or you can try to do it by obsessing over the outcome, chasing shortcuts, and driving yourself crazy with worry, fear, and feelings of inadequacy.

Most agents choose the latter.

Every single day, I see people stressing out every day about making more money. 

It’s truly a sickness. It robs you of your entire life, sitting there every day worrying about how you’re gonna pay for this or that.

But look at your age: somehow you’ve gotten by for this long. None of your fears killed you. And if they had, you’d be dead and it wouldn’t matter.

The truth is we’re all okay, and we’re all gonna be okay. 

In 32 years, I’ve never had one single client die due to lack of production. But everyone walks around thinking if they don’t do another deal, they’re gonna die.

That’s a really tough way to go through life.

And here’s the hard truth: Worry is not work. 

When you’re worrying, you can’t do what you really need to be doing.

You might be thinking, “But if I’m not worried, I won’t be motivated to do the work.”

That’s the most perverse idea of all, and it’s the complete opposite of the truth. Worry isn’t a motivator—it’s an inhibitor. It shuts down your ability to focus on what matters and give it your best effort.

If you want to have the best experience of life, you have to learn how to play free—and the more you worry about the outcome, the less free you’ll be.


I don’t care how many calls you make—if your head’s not in the right place, it’s not gonna turn out the way you want. 

Even if you get the business you want, you’ll be afraid of losing it, which will make you just as miserable as not getting the business in the first place.

All this to say…SHOW UP for the Mindset Call every Tuesday at 6 AM PST / 9 AM EST.

It’s free for everyone, even if you’re not in the Daily Accountability Calls. 

Hope to see you there!


Have a great week,


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